Deeper Learning


reflect connect inspire

Deeper Learning:

Beyond 21st Century Skills

The basic premise of this course is that we must intentionally and deliberately prepare all students for thinking critically while reinforcing essential collaborative problem solving skills that will engage and empower them in the present and better prepare them for a global future.  Deeper learning provides a road map for preparing students beyond 21st Century skills and is a term which encompasses all the knowledge, skills, and the myriad of ways of thinking students need to adopt in order to be prepared and eventually become successful navigating their present and future lives.

Deeper learning reinforces the idea that in addition to applying what students have learned, they must be able to understand how to integrate a skill set to successfully work collaboratively and overcome obstacles such as complex interpersonal and multi-cultural relations of today’s world. The intention in this exploration is to help educators understand, design, and document powerful learning experiences in a range of disciplines and settings utilizing the six areas of deeper learning including:

  1. Mastering Academic Content
  2. Thinking Critically and Solving Complex Problems
  3. Working Collaboratively
  4. Communicating Effectively
  5. Learning How to Learn
  6. Developing Academic Mindsets related to Resilience

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